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Mankind Imagine

七輪手串 Seven Chakra Healing Bracelet

七輪手串 Seven Chakra Healing Bracelet

Regular price HK$850.00
Regular price HK$920.00 Sale price HK$850.00
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治癒七輪手串(Seven Chakras Healing Bracelet), 採用七種不同晶石組成,每種晶石都代表一個脈輪,七種晶石連結人體七大脈輪(Chakras)人體能量中心,能夠活化脈輪及保持能量平衡,有助於身心康復。


瑪瑙:** 代表海底輪,位於尾椎骨底部,與生存本能、安全感和穩定性有關。

方解石:** 代表臍輪,位於肚臍附近,與創造力、情緒穩定和自我價值有關。

黃玉:** 代表太陽神經叢,位於胃部附近,與自信、意志力和個人力量有關。

綠東陵:** 代表心輪,位於胸部中央,與愛、慈悲、同情心和寬恕有關。

藍色玻璃:** 代表喉輪,位於喉嚨部位,與溝通、表達和創造力有關。

藍紋石:** 代表眉心輪,位於兩眉之間,與直覺、洞察力和靈性意識有關。

貓眼石:** 代表頂輪,位於頭頂,與靈性覺醒、智慧和宇宙意識有關。

治癒符號Antahkanara Symbol logo。

Red Agate, Cat's Eye Stone, Jade, Green Quartz, Blue Lampwork Glass, Mother of Pearl, Orange Calcite / Adventurine 

** 七輪手串運用以上晶石配搭而成。


  • 將七輪手串戴在手腕上,讓寶石貼近皮膚。
  • 可以配合冥想或瑜珈練習,加強能量效果。


  • 追求身心平衡
  • 想提升能量水平
  • 想促進身心康復
  • 想提升靈性意識
  • 款式時尚,適合日常配搭


  • 日常佩戴後可以放在接觸太陽光線的地方以消除負能量。
  • 佩戴上手腕後感受水晶能量和連結。


  • 佩戴時溫柔套入手腕或脫下更耐用。
  • 洗澡或睡覺請脫下。
  • 手串不要泡在水中清洗,藍色玻璃石遇水或會有輕微脫色,可以用濕紙巾清潔後,手串可以繼續正常配帶使用。 


** 我們出貨前確保貨品在最住狀態,如收貨後於配戴前發現有任何破損,請於48小時內拍攝清晰照片電郵給我們,我們會立即判斷情況再作出處理,經我們審核合乎換貨條件後,請於3天內自行承擔運費把商品寄回我們指定的辦公地點。如收貨後因人為破損不會作更換或退貨處理。


** 本產品有不同尺寸供選擇,男女均用,19CM和18CM較為平均尺寸,17CM適合纖瘦手腕,可以於選購前按鬆緊度喜好程度挑選,揀選適合尺寸。

** 如需要修改手串尺寸或其他維修問題,我們會有指定地點,請隨時電郵聯絡我們。(留意會因應不同情況收取所產生的額外費用。)

** 由於我哋嘅手串係手工製作,而且每條手串都獨一無二,所以**恕不接受退貨**請喺購買前仔細閱讀產品說明,確保你選擇嘅手串符合你嘅需求。

Seven Chakras Healing Bracelet: Balance Energy, Revitalize Body and Mind

Seven Chakras Healing Bracelet, crafted with seven different gemstones, each represents a chakra which connects to one of the seven major chakras (energy centers) of the human body. It can activate chakras and maintain energy balance, contributing to physical and mental recovery.


  • Red Agate: Represents the Root Chakra, located at the base of the tailbone, associated with survival instincts, security, and stability.
  • Cat's Eye Stone: Represents the Sacral Chakra, located near the navel, associated with creativity, emotional stability, and self-worth.
  • Jade: Represents the Solar Plexus Chakra, located near the stomach, associated with confidence, willpower, and personal power.
  • Green Quartz: Represents the Heart Chakra, located in the center of the chest, associated with love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness.
  • Blue Lampwork Glass: Represents the Throat Chakra, located in the throat, associated with communication, expression, and creativity.
  • Mother of Pearl: Represents the Third Eye Chakra, located between the eyebrows, associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness.
  • Orange Calcite / Aventurine: Represents the Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, associated with spiritual awakening, wisdom, and cosmic consciousness.

The Seven Chakras Healing Bracelet is made with a combination of the above gemstones.


  • Wear the Seven Chakras Healing Bracelet on your wrist, allowing the gemstones to be close to your skin.
  • You can combine it with meditation or yoga practice to enhance the energy effect.

【Suitable for】

  • Those seeking physical and mental balance
  • Those wanting to enhance energy levels
  • Those wanting to promote physical and mental recovery
  • Those wanting to elevate spiritual awareness
  • Stylish design, suitable for everyday wear


  • After daily wear, place it in a place exposed to sunlight to eliminate negative energy.
  • After putting on the Seven Chakras Healing Bracelet on your wrist, feel the energy of the crystals and the connection.

【Maintenance and Cleaning】

  • Gently put it on; and gently take it off your wrist for durability.
  • Please take it off when taking a shower or sleeping.
  • Do not soak in water for cleaning. 

    Blue glass beads can experience color fading when in contact with water. After cleaning them with a damp cloth, the bracelet can be worn and used normally.

【Shopping Policy】

  • We ensure that the goods are in the best condition before shipment. If you find any damage before wearing after receiving the goods, please take clear photos and email them to us within 48 hours. We will immediately assess the situation and handle it accordingly. If we verify that the exchange conditions are met, please send the goods back to our designated office location at your own expense (customers bear shipping fees) within 3 days. All products are only allowed to be returned once and can only be exchanged for products of the same model. No shipping fees will be refunded. We will not exchange or refund for damage caused by human factors after receiving the goods.

  • This product is available in different sizes and is suitable for both men and women. The 19CM and 18CM sizes are more average, while the 17CM size is suitable for slim wrists. You can choose your preferred size based on your desired tightness before making a purchase.

  • If you need to modify the bracelet size or have other repair issues, we have designated locations. Please feel free to contact us. (Fees will be charged according to different situations.)
  • As our bracelets are handmade, each bracelet is unique, we do not accept returns. Please read the product description carefully before purchasing to ensure that the bracelet you choose meets your needs.



  • Mankind Imagine 使用順豐速運在香港地區運送. 海外運送視乎國家地區而定.
  • 您的訂單將在 1-3 個工作日內(除特別通知)處理和發貨。訂單發貨後,您將收到一封來自
    Mankind Imagine 的電子郵件通知,其中包含快遞信息和商品追踪號碼。請檢查您的垃圾郵件文件夾,因為有時電子郵件通知會放在那裡。
  • We use S.F. Express for delivery in Hong Kong. For overseas
    delivery, shipping providers vary depending on location.
  • Your order will be processed and dispatched within 1-3 working days, except with special announcement. You will receive an email notification from Mankind Imagine as soon as
    your order is dispatched with information of courier and the tracking number.
    Please check your spam folder because sometimes email notifications are placed


  • 所有經購買而付款後的商品一律不設退款。
  • 如訂購錯誤商品,而訂單已經開始運送,將不設退換。
  • 換貨只供在運送過程中損壞的商品或收到不正確的商品(非訂單上的商品)。損壞定義為破裂、破開、不能使用。
  • 請在收貨時檢查您的商品。
  • 如收到損壞或不正確的商品(非訂單上的商品),請於簽收後二十四小時內(以派遞公司的收派記錄為準)通過電子郵件 與我們聯繫,並在電子郵件中附上損壞或不正確商品的清晰圖片,以便我們作出評估並盡快為您提供最佳解決方案。收到確認合乎換貨後,請於3天內把商品以我們指定的派遞公司或運送方式寄回。我們將在收到退回的商品3天內為你安排換貨。
  • 退回商品必須為簽收時的完整包裝、全新、無損壞(除了在運送給顧客過程中造成的損壞)、未經使用、無沾染污漬的狀況。若退回商品有以上任何狀況將不獲接受,退回的商品將會自動寄回顧客,不會另行通知,顧客須承擔因此所產生之任何費用及風險。
  • 確認合乎換貨的商品只可更換同款、同色、同尺碼 - 即訂單上的商品。
  • 如因顧客在商品使用後及/或保養不當而造成的損壞、自行修改或其他人為因素造成的損壞不屬於在運送過程中損壞的問題,不會接受退換貨。
  • Mankind Imagine 保留一切最終決定權。
  • 所有網站的商品圖片皆為實物拍攝,由於電腦螢幕色差、拍攝光線等因素,照片與實物顏色可能略有些差別,商品以實物為準。
  • 如有其他疑問歡迎電郵 與我們聯繫。

  • All products purchased with payments made will
    not be eligible for refund.
  • If a product is wrongly ordered and purchased, and delivery for the order has started, no return, refund or exchange will be available.
  • Exchange is only available for damaged product during delivery or if you receive an
    incorrect product (which is not the product in the order).  Damage is defined as cracks,
    breakage, unusable.
  • Please inspect your product upon receipt.
  • If the product you
    receive is damaged or incorrect (not the product in the order), please contact
    us by email at within 24 hours (from the delivery record of the courier company), attaching clear photos of the damage or the incorrect product for us to investigate and evaluate the issue and offer the best
    resolution to resolve. After receiving confirmation that the product is eligible for exchange, please return the product to us within 3 days by our designated courier or mode of delivery. Upon receipt of the returned product,
    we will arrange an exchange for you within 3 days.
  • The returned product must be in the original packaging, intact as upon receipt. The product must be in the
    conditions of brand new, undamaged (except the damage caused during delivery to the customer),  unused, no stains. If the returned product has any of the above conditions, it will not be accepted. The returned product will be automatically sent back to the customer without further notice, and the customer shall bear any costs and risks arising therefrom.
  • A product that is confirmed eligible for exchange can only be exchanged for a product of the same style, color, and size
    - namely, the same product as in the order.
  • Damage caused after use and/or by improper maintenance, own alteration or other human factors is not damage caused by delivery. No return, refund or exchange will be offered.  
  • The decision of Mankind Imagine shall be final. 
  • All product images in the website are taken from the products.  Actual colours may vary slightly due to
    different device screen settings, photographic lighting sources.
  • Please get in touch if you have questions, email to us at

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